American Multidisciplinary International Research Journal (AMIRJ)

(A High Quality Journal, Monthly, Peer Reviewed Journal, An online refereed journal (peer reviewed journal). An Openly Accessible, Widely Indexed, Multidisciplinary, Scholarly / Academic, International Journal)

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Open Access-Journal | Author submit manuscript to | Fast track review process | Digitally signed e-certificates will be sent immediately | Publication Charges: Low Publication Charge 3000 INR per single paper author & 60$ for International author.

Call for Papers

Vol.13, Issue 02, March-April 2025
Submission Deadline:

28th April 2025

Notification of Acceptance

Within 24 hours


Within 6 hours


Within 24 hours after submission of Fee Receipt for Accepted Papers
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Quick & easy paper publication process

Very fast response to queries

Only Quality Work accepted

Large Editorial Board from Various fields of Multidisciplinary

High Quality & High Reputation

Affordable publication cost

Quick & easy Online manuscript submission

Why to choose AMIRJ ?

Best Peer-Reviewed Journal

Strict Policy against Plagiarism

Easy and Quick processing and publication

Authors query can be resolved immediately

High Impact Factor of 7.542 (Verify)

Low processing charges to encourage the researchers

Indexed in Google Scholar and other reputed databases

Digitally Signed E-Certificates will be sent immediately by email

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The Aim of American Multidisciplinary International Research Journal (AMIRJ) is a High Impact Factor, Open Access, International, Peer-Reviewed, Monthly journal that publishes original research articles in the fields of Engineering Research Science, Information Technology and inmunication Engineering. It has proficient academicians and researchers as editorial board members across the world. The core vision of American Multidisciplinary International Research Journal (AMIRJ) is to propagate the innovative information and technology to promote the academic and research professionals in the field of Engineering Research Science, Information Technology and inmunication Engineering. Submissions of quality reviews and mini-reviews, describing recent trends and developments from the domains of innovative sciences and engineering research will be highly encouraged.. The journal also invites clearly written reviews, short inmunications and notes dealing with numerous disciplines covered by the fields. We accept extended version of papers previously published in conferences and/or journals.

Journal Coverage: International

Publication Type: Online & Versions

Publishing Model: Open Access

Subjects Coverage: CSE/IT/ISE/ECE/ETE

Publication Frequency: bimonthly

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We at American Multidisciplinary International Research Journal (AMIRJ) ensure to publish original or un-plagiarized articles only. If readers notice any such plagiarized articles or reproduced articles of another publication including conference proceedings etc, please inform us your concern to We will remove it from the library immediately.


Prospective authors should note that only original and previously unpublished research papers will be considered. Furthermore, simultaneous submissions (under consideration for publication elsewhere) are not acceptable. Submission of a manuscript is interpreted as a statement of certification that no part of the manuscript is copyrighted by any other publication nor is under review by any other formal publication. It is the primary responsibility of the author to obtain proper permission for the use of any copyrighted materials in the manuscript, prior to the submission of the manuscript to AMIRJ.






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